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Big Book of Brainstorming Games: Quick, Effective Activities That Encourage Out-Of-The-Box Thinking, Improve Collaboration, and Spark Great Ideas! | Scannell, Mary; Mulvilhill, Mike

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Spark the next great business idea by igniting your team's passion and creativityInnovating breakthrough products, services, solutions, and marketing ideas are some of the most important challenges you face as a manager. Don't wrack your brain trying to catch that 'eureka' moment alone; unleash your team's creative power with The Big Book of Brainstorming Games.This book is packed with physical and verbal exercises to help you organize and run a brainstorming session that engages all personality types. Get those creative juices flowing with expert guidance and dozens of enjoyable group activities to help you:Frame challenges to give team members structure and contextMaster the proven 'Four Rules of Brainstorming' for amazing resultsCreate an environment of trust that encourages and inspires valuable contributions from people from all backgrounds and at all levelsThe best ideas can come from anywhere! The Big Book of Brainstorming Games gives you the tools and knowledge to build a solid, structured foundation for free-form interaction and fearless conceptualizing. Now you can get everyone in on the game and make great things happen!


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