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Tolkien and Alterity

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This exciting collection of essays explores the role of the Other in Tolkien¿s fiction, his life, and the pertinent criticism. It critically examines issues of gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity, language, and identity in The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and lesser-known works by Tolkien. The chapters consider characters such as Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Saruman, Éowyn, and the Orcs as well as discussions of how language and identity function in the source texts. The analysis of Tolkien¿s work is set against an examination of his life, personal writing, and beliefs. Each essay takes as its central position the idea that how Tolkien responds to that which is different, to that which is ¿Other,¿ serves as a register of his ethics and moral philosophy. In the aggregate, they provide evidence of Tolkien¿s acceptance of alterity.


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Hauptstraße 84, 69168 Wiesloch


Montag 09:00-19:00
Dienstag 09:00-19:00
Mittwoch 09:00-19:00
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Freitag 09:00-19:00
Samstag 09:00-16:00

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