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What Anglicans Believe | Wells, Samuel

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Born at a time of intense religious controversy, Anglicanism was marked from the start by an ability to hold opposing Catholic and Protestant tendencies together in a wise and generous spirit. Rooted in the earliest formularies of faith, it was able to withstand many passing theological disputes. As disagreements threaten once again to separate one Christian from another, here is a succinct and timely reminder of the core beliefs and values that unite all Anglicans so powerfully. What Anglicans Believe is ideal for new and seasoned but weary believers. A refreshing and inspirational guide, it is arranged in four parts: The Faith - what we believe The Source of the Faith - the famous 3-legged stool of Scripture, reason and tradition The Order of the Faith - how our worship and mission reflect our beliefs The Character of the Faith - how our history equips us to deal with new challenges


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